Central Eastern Europe or CEE countries are located between western and eastern Europe. CEE consists of some ex-communist country. This article will focused on ten states from this region which join the European Union (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia; and the two second-wave accession countries that joined in January 2007; Bulgaria and Romania)
Post communist era, CEE countries basically faced three challenges. First, create democracies. Second, create market economies. Third, build new states.
Economy matter basically got the biggest attention from those countries. Economic failure in communist regimes pushed CEE countries to transform their domestic economy. The biggest challenge was the building of market economies. CEE countries built their new economic system based on liberalization and privatization. The alteration needed citizens to start and operate private company in a condition where one would succeed and the others would fail.
On the other hand, radical economic reform would lead to another process in poli-tics area, democratization. The democratization needed the existence of parliaments and political parties, which ECC countries already had. But the institution still needed to be transformed into genuine assemblies and legislatures. The leading role of the Communist Party must be removed and create a separation of powers into executive, legislative and judicative.
Several countries in CEE liberalized their economic market for two motives. First, there was an ideological belief in the superiority of the market, especially after these countries joined European Union. Second, the countries were driven by a desire to distance their countries from communist past.
European Union had a big role in this region, especially after 1989. EU (still European Community at that time) offered financial support and some bilateral agreement but not the prospect of membership in this organization. In 2004, after several negotiations and talks, eight countries from CEE was joined EU under some criteria. The states must be democratic, based on rule of law, has a functioning market economies which able to compete in the EU, and agree to take obligations of membership. The next two countries, Bulgaria and Romania, joined in 2007.
After 2004, the role of EU in this region widened, especially in policy areas. EU motivated CEE countries to make some changes, including the power to decide when negotiations would begin, aid and technical assistance or policy advise. The countries itself are no longer just became the objects but subjects of EU decision making. In economic area, neo-liberal policy that was brought by those countries has provoked changes in Western Europe. The ideological believe inspired from World Bank model, including radical reform in health care and fiscal policy, provoked some countries such as Germany and France to criticize the impact of such policies on the future of the European social model. But Slovakia refused the critics and argued that reformation in health, tax, welfare, labour market and pension care are the best solutions to significant structural problems faced by all European Countries.
In the end, both EU and CEE countries has influenced each other. The CEE countries saw integration inside EU as a good step to set democracy. The democracies in CEE countries itself are still young. There are corruption and lack of promises from the politician. New parties blossomed and tried to clean corruption in the government. But those parties failed to compete with the politician personal interest. And EU influenced CEE countries in political area.
In cultural area, there are some poems pervaded by Central and Eastern Europe agony especially in social and political sense. The poems represented in two new anthologies, The Poetry of Survival: Post-War Poets of Central and Eastern Europe; and Shifting Borders: East European Poetries of the Eighties. The anthology titled ‘An Elusive Eagle Soars: An Anthology of Modern Albanian Poetry’ was a ground-breaking anthology of dynamic works from the long-neglected Albanian literary scene. There is also Meto Jovanovski's Faceless Men and Other Macedonian Stories that details the ironic and satiric attitudes of villagers under Communism era. The poems and anthology became an impor-tant work in this region literature area.
Anonim. 2008. Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2008. © 1993-2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Haughton, Tim. 2007. ‘Central and Eastern Europe’ in Colin Hay and Anand Menon (ed). European Politics. New York: Oxford University Press.
Zsuzsa Csergo. 2004. Kin-State Politics in Central and Eastern Europe: the Case of Hungary. Accesed 20 Oct 2009, from www.wilsoncenter.org/to-pics/pubs/MR%20315%20Csergo.doc
Diposkan oleh
Mega Savitri
12:05 AM
Italy is a country which located in Southern Europe. Italy comprises the long, boot-shaped Italian Peninsula, the land between the peninsula and the Alps, and also a number of islands including Sicily and Sardinia. Its total area is 301,230 km², consist of 294,020 km² land area and 7,210 km² water area.
Italy is a homogeneous country, not only linguistically and religiously but also culturally, economically, and politically. It has the fifth-highest population density in Europe, which is about 200 persons per square kilometer. Minority groups are small. There are some German-speaking people of Bolzano Province and the Slovenes around Trieste. There are also small communities of Albanian, Greek, Ladino, and French origin. Immigration has increased in recent years while the Italian population is declining overall due to low birth rates.
About 85% of the native-born citizens are Roman Catholicism. As a result of immigration from other parts of the world, there are 825,000 Muslims live in Italy. 50,000 of them are Italian citizens. There are also 50,000 Buddhists 70,000 Sikh and 70,000 Hindus in Italy. Basically, all religious faiths are provided equal freedom before the law by the constitution.
In economy, Italy was the seventh-largest economy in the world and the fourth-largest in Europe. The country itself is divided into a developed industrial north dominated by large private companies and a less-developed, welfare-dependent, agricultural south, with 20% unemployment.
Italy only has few natural resources and much land unsuited for farming. Because of this condition, since the end of World War II Italy made a change from an agriculturally based economy to an industrial state. For now, Italy's economic strength is in the processing and the manufacturing of goods, primarily in small and medium-sized family-owned firms. Its major industries are precision machinery, motor vehicles, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, electric goods, and fashion and clothing.
Actually, in this past decade, the average annual growth of Italy was 1.23% in comparison to an average EU annual growth rate of 2.28%. Italia GDP in 2007 reached $1.8 trillion with GDP growth 1.5%. But global financial crisis of 2008 made the GDP growh decreased up to -1.0% for the next year. By the autumn, the economy was declared to have fallen into its fourth recession in less than a decade.
In cultural area, Italy famous for its literature especially from 14th and 15th centuries. There are some famous poet such as Petrarch, Tasso, and Ariosto. There are also the prose of Boccaccio, Machiavelli, and Castiglione. Those inheritance literature is a lasting influence on the subsequent development of Western civilization. The Italian painting, sculpture, and architecture contributed by Da Vinci, Raphael, Botticelli, Fra Angelico, and Michelangelo or musical influence by Italian composers such as Monteverdi, Palestrina, and Vivaldi also had a big influence. In the 19th century, Italian romantic opera flourished under composers Gioacchino Rossini, Giuseppe Verdi, and Giacomo Puccini. Contemporary Italian artists, writers, filmmakers, architects, composers, and designers also contributed Western culture.
Italy has been a democratic republic since June 2, 1946, when the monarchy was abolished by popular referendum. The 1948 constitution established a bicameral parliament (Chamber of Deputies and Senate), a separate judiciary, and an executive branch composed of a Council of Ministers (cabinet), headed by the president of the council (prime minister). The president of the republic is elected for seven years by the parliament. The president nominates the prime minister, who chooses the other ministers. The Council of Ministers composed mostly of members of parliament and must retain the confidence of both houses.
The houses of parliament are popularly and directly elected by a proportional representation system. Under 2005 legislation, the Chamber of Deputies has 630 members. The Senate comprising 315 elected members includes former presidents and several other persons appointed for life according to special constitutional provisions. Both houses are elected for a maximum of five years, but either may be dissolved before the expiration of its normal term. Legislative bills may originate in either house and must be passed by a majority in both.
Italy's political landscape transformed between 1992 and 1997. The Christian Democratic Party dissolved while the Italian People's Party and the Christian Democratic Center emerged. Forza Italia, a new populist and free-market oriented movement, gained wide support among moderate voters. The National Alliance broke from the neofascist Italian Social Movement. A trend toward two large coalitions, the center-left and the center-right, emerged from the April 1995 regional elections. For the 1996 national elections, the center-left parties created the Olive Tree coalition while the center right united again under the Freedom Pole. May 2001, the elections result made a change to center-right coalition dominated by Berlusconi from Forza Italia. In April 2006, the election returned center-left to power under the eight-party Union coalition.
In October 2007, the Democrats of the Left and the Daisy parties officially merged to form the Democratic Party. Veltroni was chosen as party leader. Silvio Berlusconi launched an alliance between his Forza Italia party and Gianfranco Fini's National Alliance. The parties ran together under the People of Liberty symbol in April 2008. People of Liberty (37.4%) won the largest share of the vote and took power in coalition with a strengthened Northern League (8.3%) and the tiny Movement for Autonomy (1.1%).
In March 2009, Forza Italia and National Alliance changed the People of Liberty identification from an alliance to a party. The new mass center-right party is Italy's largest party and one of the largest in Europe. Party leaders define the party as post-ideological, charismatic, and pragmatic. The party is led by Berlusconi.
Italy’s foreign relations can be seen from European Union membership. Italy itself was a founding member of the European Economic Community. Italy itself is a big supporter for Euro-pean integration. Italy was admitted to the United Nations in 1955 and is a member and strong supporter of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade/World Trade Organization (GATT/WTO), the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), and the Council of Europe.
Italy has a very friendly relationship with United States. Italy is a leading partner in the war against terrorism. The two are NATO allies and cooperate in the United Nations, in various regional organizations, and bilaterally for peace, prosperity, and security. Italy has worked closely with the United States in NATO and UN operations.
Italian Government has cooperated with the United States in the formulation of defense, security, and peacekeeping policies. Under longstanding bilateral agreements flowing from NATO membership, Italy hosts important U.S. military forces at Vicenza and Livorno (army), Aviano (air force), Sigonella, Gaeta, and Naples as home port for the U.S. Navy Sixth Fleet. The United States has about 13,000 military personnel stationed in Italy. Italy hosts the NATO Defense College in Rome.
Hine, David. Italy.
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/country_profiles/1065345.stm diakses pada tanggal 4 Oktober 2009.
http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/4033.htm diakses pada tanggal 4 Oktober 2009.
Diposkan oleh
Mega Savitri
11:54 PM
Judul : The Viscount Who Loved Me (Cinta Sang Viscount)
Pengarang : Julia Quinn
Penerbit : Gramedia Pustaka Utama (GPU)
Tebal : 456 hlm
1814 promises to be another eventful season, but not, This Author believes, for Anthony Bridgerton, London's most elsuive bachelor, who has shown no indication that he plans to marry.
And in truth, why should he? When it comes to playing the consummate rake, nobody does it better...
—Lady Whistledown's Society Papers, April 1814
But this time the gossip columnists have it wrong. Anthony Bridgerton hasn't just decided to marry—he's even chosen a wife! The only obstacle is his intended's older sister, Kate Sheffield—the most meddlesome woman ever to grace a London ballroom. The spirited schemer is driving Anthony mad with her determination to stop the betrothal, but when he closes his eyes at night, Kate is the woman haunting his increasingly erotic dreams...
Contrary to popular belief, Kate is quite sure that reformed rakes do not make the best husbands—and Anthony Bridgerton is the most wicked rogue of them all. Kate is determined to protect her sister—but she fears her own heart is vulnerable. And when Anthony's lips touch hers, she's suddenly afraid she might not be able to resist the reprehensible rake herself... (http://www.juliaquinn.com/books/viscount.php)
Impresi pertama penulis terhadap (dua) buku pertama Julia Quinn yang diterbitkan di Indonesia tidak terlalu bagus. Oleh karena itulah ketika GPU menerbitkan Bridgerton Series, penulis sedikit ragu-ragu untuk mencoba. Akan tetapi karena desakan rasa penasaran, akhirnya penulis memilih salah satu dari dua Bridgerton series yang sudah terbit (pada saat itu Bridgerton Series baru mencapai buku kedua dari total delapan buku. Buku pertama berjudul The Duke and I dan sangat direkomendasikan bagi para penggemar Historical Romance) yaitu The Viscount Who Loved Me.
Membaca The Viscount Who Loved Me, seluruh impresi penulis mengenai Julia Quinn berubah. Buku ini jelas-jelas salah satu yang terbaik yang pernah ditulis oleh Quinn. Mengisahkan tentang pencarian istri yang dilakukan oleh seorang Viscount yang menolak untuk jatuh cinta dan seorang kakak yang mati-matian melindungi adiknya tercinta dari godaan seorang Playboy (dengan huruf P besar), Quinn merangkai kisah ini menjadi jalinan cerita yang menghibur, penuh kelucuan namun tidak melupakan sisi konfliktual dari sang tokoh utama (Sang Viscount).
Kate, sang tokoh utama wanita kita, bukanlah seorang gadis yang cantik ataupun lemah lembut. Sebaliknya, ia adalah seorang gadis yang cerdas, gesit dan memahami keinginannya sendiri. Ia memiliki sisi humor yang sedikit kering, namun dapat mengundang baik orang-orang di sekitarnya maupun para pembaca untuk tertawa. Kate hidup bersama ibu dan adik tirinya, namun ia bukanlah karakter Cinderella yang tertindas. Justru ia sangat menyayangi keluarganya tersebut, dan bertekad untuk mendapatkan calon suami yang terbaik untuk Edwina, adiknya yang cantik jelita.
Anthony, Sang Viscount kita yang tampan, tidak dapat dipungkiri memang seorang Playboy yang sedikit angkuh. Akan tetapi Anthony sangat mencintai keluarganya, dermawan dan memiliki sisi rapuh yang mau tidak mau membuat para pembaca tidak bisa untuk tidak mencintainya.
Sekalipun ia dibesarkan dalam keluarga yang dapat dikategorikan sebagai keluarga bahagia, Anthony sangat yakin kalau ia akan mati muda menyusul Sang Ayah, panutan hidup utama Anthony, yang juga mati dalam usia muda. Hal itulah yang menyebabkan Anthony bertekad menemukan istri yang tidak akan membuatnya jatuh cinta (well, untuk apa ia jatuh cinta kalau pada akhirnya sebentar lagi ia akan meninggal?). Anthony menemukan sosok istri yang dia inginkan dalam diri Edwina.
Edwina, sang adik yang rupawan, mampu menghilangkan stereotip mengenai gadis cantik dengan kecerdasan maupun dedikasinya terhadap sang kakak. Dan sesungguhnya, Edwina merasa kalau interaksi kakaknya dengan Sang Viscount benar-benar sangat menghibur.
Apa yang akan terjadi ketika baik Anthony maupun Kate menyadari bahwa hati mereka tidak kebal terhadap pesona satu sama lain? Dan dengan Sheffield yang mana kisah Anthony akan berakhir?
Mengikuti kisah Anthony, Kate, Edwina dan berbagai karakter-karakter pendamping, baik yang bermarga Bridgerton atau bukan, dalam buku ini terasa sangat menyenangkan. Halaman demi halaman seolah menyedot para pembaca untuk terus mengikuti kisah kedua tokoh utama yang sama-sama keras keras kepala namun cukup humoris ini hingga halaman terakhir. Pada akhirnya, buku ini sangat sesuai dibaca untuk para penyuka kisah romantis yang menginginkan cerita menyegarkan untuk dibaca di akhir pekan atau yang menginginkan sebuah buku romantis bagus untuk dikoleksi di perpustakaan pribadi.
Penghargaan untuk The Viscount Who Loved Me
RITA finalist, long historical category. The RITA is the highest honor given out by Romance Writers of America.
#18 on The New York Times Extended Bestseller list. The Viscount Who Loved Me spent four weeks total on this list.
Two weeks on the Publishers Weekly Mass Market Bestseller list (rising as high as #14.)
Four weeks on The USA Today Bestseller list, peaking at #60.
A Waldenbooks bestseller! Six weeks on the Waldenbooks Romance bestseller list (making it all the way to #2!) and many weeks on the Waldenbooks Mass Market list, climbing as high as #4.
A featured Alternate Selection of the Doubleday Book Club and an Alternate Selection of Rhapsody Book Club.
Diposkan oleh
Mega Savitri
6:28 AM